The Living Deltas Research Hub is the leading delta science and research partnership operating across four delta systems– Red River, Mekong deltas in Vietnam, and the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna system in Bangladesh and India. The Living Deltas Hub project aims to tackle the problem of delta degradation in the face of multiple threats (sea level rise and saline intrusion, mangrove degradation and loss of coastal buffering, climate change, population rise, land use changes, saline intrusion and communities’ health and well-being, unsustainable engineering interventions: damming, sand mining etc.). GCRF also aims at helping to delta countries to better achieve their UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Voluntary National Review agendas. The Hub is truly interdisciplinary and brings together the natural and physical sciences, the social sciences, and the arts & humanities on an equal basis to seek new solutions (building on the research already carried out in the delta countries) to complex, intertwined issues through capacity-building and knowledge co-production towards BETTER DELTA FUTURES.
AIT is leading the WP 2 which will provide robust characterizations of livelihood risks and produce integrated risk-assessments of delta socio-ecological
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Title: Operational Foresight and Supporting Local Preparedness in the Context of Climate Displacement
Duration: 2024 – 2026
Donor: International Organization for Migration
Project Description: The Living Deltas Research Hub is the leading delta science and research partnership operating across four delta systems– Red River, Mekong deltas in Vietnam, and the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna system in Bangladesh and India. The Living Deltas Hub project aims to tackle the problem of delta degradation in the face of multiple threats (sea level rise and saline intrusion, mangrove degradation and loss of coastal buffering, climate change, population rise, land use changes, saline intrusion and communities’ health and well-being, unsustainable engineering interventions: damming, sand mining etc.). GCRF also aims at helping to delta countries to better achieve their UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Voluntary National Review agendas. The Hub is truly interdisciplinary and brings together the natural and physical sciences, the social sciences, and the arts & humanities on an equal basis to seek new solutions (building on the research already carried out in the delta countries) to complex, intertwined issues through capacity-building and knowledge co-production towards BETTER DELTA FUTURES.
AIT is leading the WP 2 which will provide robust characterizations of livelihood risks and produce integrated risk-assessments of delta socio-ecological
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The Living Deltas Research Hub is the leading delta science and research partnership operating across four delta systems– Red River, Mekong deltas in Vietnam, and the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna system in Bangladesh and India. The Living Deltas Hub project aims to tackle the problem of delta degradation in the face of multiple threats (sea level rise and saline intrusion, mangrove degradation and loss of coastal buffering, climate change, population rise, land use changes, saline intrusion and communities’ health and well-being, unsustainable engineering interventions: damming, sand mining etc.). GCRF also aims at helping to delta countries to better achieve their UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Voluntary National Review agendas. The Hub is truly interdisciplinary and brings together the natural and physical sciences, the social sciences, and the arts & humanities on an equal basis to seek new solutions (building on the research already carried out in the delta countries) to complex, intertwined issues through capacity-building and knowledge co-production towards BETTER DELTA FUTURES.
AIT is leading the WP 2 which will provide robust characterizations of livelihood risks and produce integrated risk-assessments of delta socio-ecological
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The Lower Mekong River Basin (LMRB) is a subsidiary region of the Mekong River, with approximately 10 million people directly dependent on the river for livelihood and economic activities. However, communities in the region are increasingly exposed to multiple hazards that have significant direct and indirect impacts on their livelihoods. This project, supported by the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research, Japan is working with partner universities in three LMRB countries; Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, to develop a multi-stakeholder Livelihood Security and Resilience Assessment (LiSeRA) framework by studying the dimensions and factors influencing livelihood security and resilience in communities living in the LMRB region.
The project studied the multi-hazard scenario and impacts in the LMRB region, the interlinkages between livelihood and resilience, and proposed a localized assessment framework that can be used by stakeholders in decision-making process. The proposed framework provides a tool to measure the multi-hazard livelihood security and resilience in LMB communities, and can be used by government authorities and development partners in planning and implementing mitigation and preparedness activities to manage and reduce the risk of hazards

The Climate Resilient Infrastructure for Social Transformation and Adaptation (CRISTA) is a pilot demonstration project implemented in Nepal and Bangladesh. The project provided innovative solution on the pressing gaps in critical infrastructure risk management and resilience in the face of climate-induced hazards. In collaboration with selected municipal units in the two countries, the project developed a GIS based decision support system that allowed near-real time monitoring of road and power infrastructure using advanced geospatial database and with the help of crowdsourcing mobile application. The project helped enhance disaster risk governance in developing countries by supporting decision-makers in addressing the risks in critical infrastructure systems and improving community-level climate resilience through risk sensitization.

- Climate Resilient Infrastructure for Social Transformation and Adaptation
Funding Agency: The World Bank, FCDO (UK) and ADPC [Jan 2022 – June 2022]
- Multi-hazard Risk Indexing of Coastal Critical Infrastructure: A Case Study of Thailand
Funding Agency: Coalition of Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI )[ Jan 2021 – May 2022]
- Multi-Hazard Resilience of Higher Educational Institutions in Asia Pacific
Funding Agency: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Nov2021 – October 2022
- Capacity Building through Curriculum Development and Trainings for Provincial and District Disaster Management Authorities and Line Department Government Officials in Pakistan
Funding Agency: The World Bank [2019-2021]
- Disaster Education for integrating SFDRR and SDG in Asia in Japan, Thailand, Indonesia
Funding Agency: Prosper.Net, United Nations University Japan [2020 – 2021]
- Risk perception and implication on risk governance for dual disasters Cyclone Amphan and COVID-19 in Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA), India
Funding Agency: Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), UKRI [2020-2021]
- River Morphological Study, Flood Hazard Mapping and Establishment of Decision Support System for Sindh Province, Pakistan
Funding Agency: The World Bank [2019 – 2021]
- Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development Education Network in Asia
Funding Agency: Prosper.Net, UNU (Japan) [2018 – 2019]
- Critical Factors for Post-Disaster Educational Continuity in Urban Flood Impacts in South and Southeast Asia (Thailand, Bangladesh, Vietnam)
Funding Agency: FAO, Save the Children [2017-2018]