Doctoral Student Mr. Nattapon Trumikaborworn Participates in WCEE2024

Mr. Nattapon Trumikaborworn, a dedicated doctoral student from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), the School of Engineering, Disaster Preparedness Mitigation and Management Program (DPMM), recently had the honor of presenting a part of his dissertation at the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024). This significant event took place in Milan, Italy, from June 30th to July 5th, 2024, attracting nearly 4000 participants from academia, industry, and the public sector.

Mr. Nattapon’s presentation, titled “Assessing the Influence of Evacuation Signage on Tsunami Evacuation: A Case Study of Khao Lak, Thailand,” was well-received.
Under the supervision of Prof. Pennung Warnitchai, Mr. Nattapon’s research addresses the critical need for effective evacuation strategies in tsunami-prone areas. Using agent-based modeling and simulation on the Unity game engine, his study evaluates the impact of evacuation signage on the efficiency and effectiveness of evacuation processes in Khao Lak, Thailand. The findings offer valuable insights for urban planners, emergency management authorities, and policymakers to improve evacuation plans, especially considering the challenges posed by inadequate maintenance of existing signage.
Given the limited research on tsunamis in Thailand, his work sparked interest, leading to several thoughtful questions from attendees about his methodology and future research. This engagement provided him with valuable feedback and the chance to learn from and share insights with other experts.

Furthermore, Mr. Nattapon had the opportunity to visit the earthquake research testing facility at EUCENTRE in Pavia, a private non-profit foundation dedicated to research, training, and service in earthquake and risk engineering

This experience has enriched Mr. Nattapon’s research and provided new perspectives for his future studies. His participation in WCEE2024 was made possible by the support of the Earthquake Research Center of Thailand (EARTH).

Categories: DPMM News


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