About the Project

Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Laos) is a landlocked Least Developed Country (LDC) in Southeast Asia with a population of over 7.3 million people in 2020.  Lao PDR has a strong agriculture sector which contributes close to 30% of the country’s GDP and supports the livelihoods of about 80% of the population. Natural hazards, climate change, and anthropogenic stressors have led to adverse impacts on the country’s water-energy-climate nexus, affecting the livelihoods of the population and its economy.

The project, titled “Strengthening climate resilience of agricultural livelihoods in Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR through participatory Ecosystem-based Adaptation” focuses on identifying potential, preferred, and practiced ecosystem-based adaptation to enhance the livelihood resilience of agricultural communities.

In collaboration with Kasetsart University Chalermphrakiat Sakhon Nakhon Province and National  University of Laos, the project will develop analyses and engage with local stakeholders and communities to assess the enablers and barriers of EbA implementation in Savannakhet Province while incorporating robust GEDSI principles to promote inclusivity and equitability.

This MTT Rapid Response project is funded by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Asia and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Government of Australia.

The project aims to enhance the climate resilience of vulnerable and marginalized groups in Savannakhet Province of Lao PDR by helping minimise the impacts of climate change on agricultural livelihoods through Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA).

The proposed project will assess the  water infrastructure regimes under current climate conditions, their impacts on agricultural production and livelihoods, and suggest suitable EbA practices to enhance livelihood resilience through positive WEC nexus policy changes at the national and/or regional levels.

It also operationalizes the Ecosystem Services (ES) concept to characterise human-nature interactions on multiple temporal and spatial scales. ES idea in WEC nexus approaches improve natural resource management by incorporating synergies, trade-offs, and conflicts between economic, environmental, and societal goals.

The project is conducted in Savannakhet Province located along the East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC) that connects Lao PDR with Vietnam in the East and Thailand in the West. Savannakhet is the largest province in Lao PDR and among the most populous. The agricultural sector in the Province has seen steady development over time, from what was once focused on household food security and subsistence, to the commercialized sector is has now become. However, the Province is prone to natural climate-induced hazards, such as floods and droughts, which have negatively impacts the sector and the people who rely upon them.

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